Camrose Table Tennis Club

Camrose Table Tennis Club

Dianne Weeres, President
Dianne Weeres, President

For more information call:

Diane-Weeres-(President)-780-679-0011 –

Leo Reghr (Vice-President, Sec-Treas.) 780-672-5687

This group meets and plays every Monday and Friday mornings 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. You can join this group for the very small amount of $15.00 per year (Society Membership) and $3.00 per time. Table tennis is one of the fastest growing senior activities and it provides fun, fellowship and great exercise. Beginners are always welcome! We have new tables and play in the auditorium.  Make table tennis part of your “fitness” program!


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Our Location

The Mirror Lake Centre is located at:
5415-49th Avenue
Camrose, AB
T4V 0N6

Contact Us

Phone Number:
